Interesting Inbox

I’ve been pretty discerning with what I let continue to hit my inbox. This week has yielded some great articles that we’d like to share. Have you read something great and green lately? Hit us up in the comments!

Cancer, Cured. at Seventh Generation’s Blog:

This subject hits home for me, with a close family member being diagnosed with a brain tumor. I think I’ll be purchasing the mentioned book, “Anticancer” very soon.

image of anticancer cover from amazon



My favorite part about this post from Honey Colony is that when they get to the list of things you need for a green cleaning starter kit, it’s exactly what we carry in our cleaning kits to make sure everything we use in your home is safe and non-toxic. Go us! Honey Colony is a beautifully done site with many interesting articles, I plan on going there often.

Honey Colony's logo

Honey Colony’s Logo


While wandering around, looking for green tidbits, I found this: Mosaic.

You have to read around to get the details, but basically it’s a way to invest in solar energy with a return of about 4.5% over 95 months. This company, in turn, is managing to provide funding for solar energy (currently only in 2 states) for projects like low income housing. The greatest part? You can invest whatever amount you have. You don’t need to have thousands of dollars to help and earn. What better way to help the planet, fellow humans and your pocketbook? You can actually feel good about making a profit!

That should keep you busy for a bit. See you next week!